Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Invitation Etiquetteguest To Pay For Meals

"appeals to Catholics not to lose your vote" program

The path traced from the center of Michele Trentini shows that we must not resign ourselves to the principles of empty containers. You need to recover a central role also for Catholics in political life of our dear Rovereto in Trentino.
must have the courage to respond to the appeal launched by the Italian Bishops' Conference urges us when planning to have more and more leading role in Italian political life. It 'ran out of time in which we must resign ourselves to the subordination of centralization of Trento, an empty container of old principles.
Rovereto this aggregation process, not so much of the ruling class but rather to vote, can be facilitated by the fact that we are not starting from scratch. During these months, in fact the central themes such as family, life and solidarity have been the focus of the group of the Area Center.
Area Center then launched an appeal to many Catholic voters that they may not disperse their votes, making it unnecessary in the old lists of policy before the First Republic. The absurdity of this historic moment is that people feel the same way that the lists are in several people who think differently are in the same list. This situation can not last long. The Center invites area Catholic voters to concentrate their votes on the list "Area center" that month, compared to the values \u200b\u200bin which we believe to always build the future of our city of Rovereto.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

How Long Does Cake Mate Decorationg Icing Last

Coalition: Plan for a future of Rovereto

10 projects for the city
-A dream to be realized-

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe future city Rovereto must start again, with new energy, new enthusiasm, for at least ten years of experiencing a very governo.Stiamo difficult international and national levels, due to the financial crisis edeconomica. The industrial sector of the city in recent months through a fundamental concern crisioccupazionale.Ambito is one of the town, we want a place of cohabitation and vital and influential political player participated. The need for participation in democratic life must quindiessere riaffermata.Rovereto needs a high profile in government policy, can give qualificatosviluppo positive processes in place, speak with force with the province, with the rich tessutodelle institutions of local with those social, cultural and economic life that constitute the fabric of our country.

The new way of doing politics The person will be the focus of the next administration comunale.Rovereto needs the active participation of its citizens and its citizens: it is not soloimportante do, but also how, if we are truly convinced that the policy edesercizio is taking responsibility for the good comune.Si will build a path of openness of the town to the city. The Mayor will receive all, should come out in the neighborhoods, to listen to the people, the social and productive. This programmatic proposal to ensure a new way of doing politics. Starting dallinguaggio, which must be new and accessible to all. Secondly, listening instances deicittadini otherwise represented. We want to create a policy perspective of lungorespiro, the practical application of a reform capable of projecting in Rovereto unadimensione European who can communicate with the world. We must go beyond the logic of self to open his eyes to the most advanced projects of other European cities, you will need Concu deal to develop projects to revitalize the città.Un participation model that passes through the concept of team, a group where the parties have dignity of existence, where different parties and political representatives are hinged lasocietà civil and intellectual circles. The districts will be exploited in the next administration, as part of representative democracy more closely with citizens in neighborhoods. Rovereto must be competitive and able to plan its future, building a wide variety diopportunità economic and social environment in a stimulating, creative, liberating energy young people. The city should return to attract as in the recent past, persons, investments, and intelligence. All citizens must be leaders of the future of their city. Every citizen is portatoredi values, talents, and this should have listened to everyone.

Strategic Plan In the first months of work come next shall be defined Rovereto Strategic Plan 2010-2020, to define a vision, a mission town, a development that could proiettareRovereto in futuro.Per implemented, the plan will create focus groups, defining objectives and quantitative dimed to long term, can outline well-defined projects reflecting the ten axes sottoproposti.Chi participate in addition to the Municipality of Rovereto? Autonomous Province of Trento, University, MART, APSP Vannetti, Azienda Sanitaria, APT, Trentino Development, ITEA and other skilled players.


work and the quality of work at the center of all policies in line with the politicheprovinciali. There is need to put the issue of work as programmaticaroveretana agenda: the municipal administration to be a leader at the tables provincialideputati policies work. Not simply to delegate, but be productive sector portavocedel Rovereto, whether trade, industry or services, profit or nonprofit.

The green economy as an engine of development for the creation of new employment opportunities

The company is driving innovation and policy has the task of supporting econdividere an address, a new visione.Oggi to exit crisis global social and environmental needs to rethink the model strip thyself and consumption, combining progress, technology development, the economy riconversioneecologica to reduce impacts of production processes attuali.Un 'world's most modern and efficient, thanks, environmental innovation, creates piùricchezza but uses less material and energy, produces less pollution and is nascerenuove businesses and new jobs. Today a new frontier, creating lasting innovation, able to intercept lesensibilità thirty of our land, is that the so-called Green Economy. What does Green Economy? New business ventures that arise from the concept of "limit", which arise from the awareness that natural resources, financial and human sonolimitate. The new frontiers of business are now out of old patterns, mustbe able to combine new values: the environment, social equity, and innovation. The Green Economy there are business models that look at environmental technology, energy efficiency, models that look far away, who are born with the idea that Illora development horizon will be International. The industrial revolution in Rovereto label can become an innovative model, coded in a structured project: Vallagarina as the first European Green Valley. A unique project, in which all future community of Valle coinvolta.Non will only industry, as well as services, agriculture, excellence, social cooperation. Not only mechanical production, but also manufacturing, food processing, construction, structural, etc.. The industrial district of Rovereto can be revolutionized with investment in training, and product-seeking to lead in the medium term in a district industrialeecologico, thus resuming the district energy project. In this context, even our very multiutulity "Dolomiti energy" will play a leading role. Therefore, we rendenecessaria the presence and operational management of the company in the town of Rovereto. The company's industrial district shall, with the cooperation of the public, participate in a project transparency, certification of good environmental policies, and a new environmental policy, to be sources of collateral to the popolazioneche lies on the edge of the industrial zone. The space now occupied by factories can become large PV spaces perprodurre here is another example where the limit (the occupied territory) can become a competitive advantage for the community and businesses.

The entrepreneurial creativity for a new sustainable development of the city The entrepreneurial creativity should be supported and valued by the government through research, training. Today the new business being developed ecologicidevono in order to provide a way out of this world economic crisis Chesta creating social insecurity, generational investment. The creativity of enterprise is not only directed to the existing but must also be widespread among young people, who are entering the world of work, then reverse the perspective, ie dalcercare work to create jobs in the profit sector as in the non-profit society.

Rovereto protagonist with the Ex-Factory and participant of the project under ALUMETAL comeluoghi as incubators of environmental and business projects . By Tomorrow Manufacturing project will strengthen the productive model of Trentino, through renewal led unprocesso the new economy Green, knowledge, research and dalbisogno energy efficiency, which passes through the detection of nuovefonti renewable energy, the production of new materials, high technology servizio.Tutto this by creating a meeting place within the former mill among intelligenzelocali, and that coming from the world, a project with very high capital umano.Rovereto to be a leader of this project, with its political, research, Lesu businesses. Not only a place of integration of production, not a place empty of idee.Rovereto has the ability to be a protagonist, because "the genetic code Rovereto" permits, because creativity (culture) and business are pillars of our city daalcuni secoli.In this site will be featuring the various fields of production, industrial associations, chambers of commerce, research, culture. The environment hanecessità holistic readings, so the penetration of all'ExManifattura saperiinterdisciplinari is guarantee element of goodness in hazardous areas progettuale.Anche ALUMETAL play within a community of Valle ruolodell'innovazione important for the entire Trentino. You must guide the planning hesitate to ask us to design solid, but not be limited to local horizons opening prospettiveinternazionali. Rovereto, Trento Province and the municipalities of Vallagarina devonorealizzare in the short term and a final project defined, able to raise questoluogo town, which represented the industrial revolution of our earth.

Applied research university in the environmental industry Rovereto Trento The research developed by the University - particularly that relating to the environment-will play a key role in promoting this new season produttiva.Si makes it necessary to develop synergies with the "Trentino research system", consisting of universities and FBK, in order to make the industry attractive spaces Rovereto as the venue for the launch of the new frontiers of research by creating spin-off company. And should therefore be reassessed and strengthened the role of development as Trentino cernieratra industriale.E research and innovation 'vital spark of positive relationship between production and ricercache spread the culture of innovation in the district in which everyone feels protagonisti6di a process of growth skills that can "do better, consumandomeno.

Energy efficiency as a new engine of social development and manufacturing, building construction nelcomparto The Autonomous Province of Trento has been developing in recent years certificativiambientali systems of buildings (LEED system, Climate House). Such systems may generaresul our territory indisputable environmental benefits, nuoveopportunità also able to create professional, innovative companies in the construction industry and industries. Inquest process of new development must contribute the University of Trento, MuseoCivico the city, the Vocational Training Centre Veronesi, Istituto TecnicoIndustriale Marconi and the local banking system.


liveability and environmental quality to a new society, the reconquest spazid'incontro in the historic centers of cities, public parks There is need for a new living urban, where the person is at the heart of the new projects. The young, the elderly and other age groups should benefit from new spaces for potercreare that network of relationships that creates social cohesion, to give aibambini possibility of finding themselves in the town of Rovereto sicurezza.La city not only has an old town, not a single center. The center takes unsignificato articulation of relationships, knowledge, services, and "other" centers sonoindividuabili physically in the former municipalities (Lizzana, Borgo Sacco, Mark, etc..) Chedevono centers being rediscovered, reclaimed, not abandoning anonymity , but researchers Levoca lost, or new skills to stimulate latent also through ricerchestoriche. The polycentric city requires a rethinking of the dislocation deiservizi territory, in order to make the districts more autonomy, self-sufficient in order diricostituire countries with autonomous social dimensions, where residents come historic enuovi integrate by sharing common areas, service and high-functioning . The periphery refers living environment, which is the 'soul' of an area, makes it enjoyable, secure, carrier of culture and identity, and ancient city of Rovereto moderne.Ogni should feel responsible for the increase of its neighborhood, your city. The citizen is the bearer of values, talents, and creator of social and quindidiventa an opportunity and a widespread feel-good factor. The City develiberare energies dates from the minds of citizens, making the persons involved perridisegnare the city, to relive it.

City Stitching for social relationships, between old and new citizens, seeking not only spaces but ancheidee is the aim of next amministrazione.C 'needs is a house music dance and theater, where to give birth to creative nuoviprogetti or to create opportunities for recreation to cittadinanza.Obiettivo of this administration will be the transfer of technical offices for all lariconversione the space of the former paper mill in the "Home for the associations' art, rehearsal rooms, places for socializing and for the generational exchange, connecting the center of social questoimportante the center through a pedestrian and cycle checosteggia stream Leno.

A safe city to measure the children and the elderly Rethinking the city from the perspective of children. This is a primary goal: nellesocietà increasingly older children are precious. You will make a great "Project-Children", with individual and collective responsibilities to the task. In questoprogetto must meet all the realities already operating territory, training, educational, charitable, educational and leisure (recreation center the district, game workshops, etc.).. The elderly should be seen for what they are, ie "bearers of values, distortion of experience." The elderly are a resource for the city, their experience should be exploited to create Divita collettivi.Mettere goods in respect elders and the younger generation is useful to give an identity collettiva.Gli elders are the keepers of history, contemporary roots. The circles vannosostenuti older and valued as cultural workshops, as well as real areas of learning, where young people can learn trades, knowledge. Must be introduced progetto8della memory minutes, in which technology can be used by children mezzoefficace to deposit these memories, even when linked to a rural past, now in danger of scomparsa.I retirees may be involved in municipal projects for new urban quality civic services to unanuova (heads of schools , home-school routes, parks, etc.).

mobility A revolution that puts the individual at the center of a new strategiacoordinata, the plane traffic to the plane of mobilità.Si exceed the logic for which mobility is addressed with an approach of separation of floors: parking, ground traffic, cycling plan, ecc.Si must therefore approach the issue of mobility with a capacity for analysis and holistic-programming, system, no longer plans that do not communicate with one another, whose sole task of the traffic more fluid but a plan, able to govern the issue of mobility management, guaranteeing the right to move, to breathe, safety, environmental compliance, to ensure the social mobility of citizens before a planning infrastructure projects. Mancaancora the city - despite the proclamations in the past too often bandied about - a serious project dinuovo tangential infrastructure able to solve really and consistently Conlie their exact size and nature of problems such as crossing the north-south (St. Hilary, Lizzanello), east-west (Borgo Santa Maria, Piazza Rosmini), the burial of the thirty stataledavanti station, etc.. Urban mobility will be organized for the various modes of travel (walking, bicycles, buses, motorcycles, passenger cars), placing second in the hierarchy delvettore fragility, cost of service and level of emissions by promoting the interconnection and interchange .
Cities for cycling, the city of the future for Rovereto today is more necessary than ever to a path culture on the bicycle, to assist in the coming years to a cultural change where the bicycle mezzodel leisure may be considered by all a means of locomotion itself, because the greatest enemy of the bicycle are not cars, but the political ideas consolidate.Rovereto to become bicycle friendly city, a modern European city. Labicicletta is half healthy to decongest the city traffic, to improve Lasala of individuals and communities to lower the cost of family budgets, pervelocizzare travel times in the city, reducing the social costs of health care, to help in the center ilcommercio città.Si must create new cycle routes within city, priority assolutaai continuing links from the suburbs to downtown, as Lizzana and San Giorgio, or the industrial zone, now completely isolated from reality centro.I way to school must be designed to promote pedestrian mobility, in accordance with security structural (bicycle) and individuals (piedibus). The goal over the next 10 years is to reach at least 20-25% of urban trips by bicycle, attainable goal with a special plan of cycling, because of infrastructure works, cultural plans, marketing plans within an overall framework of mobilità.Mobilità pubblicaSi have to make the parking appurtenant, in particular for the residents of centrostorico, and to bear witness to promote the vitality of downtown città.10Ci are a lot of space to make public transport more competitive with the private sector. Icosti for an adjustment of the service should not be a deterrent. For good service (high-frequency, quality bus) is also offered a fruizioneelevata. In particular we need to strengthen the periphery and ran to the center. You will be able to assess partnerships with private entities that provide services mobilità.L 'supply of public transport should be enhanced in a city not so much in quantity but in its usability, means more and more new and more comfortable, more direct routes, paths protetticome lanes, with cars that avoid promiscuity, clear, more capacious and comfortable shelters for shelter from the rain, services for customers, clever marketing, and many other soluzioni.Si will develop a feasibility study of a cable system to the forest in the city please do the use of existing spaces in order to qualify for the next projects (MuseoCivico, re-use addresses in that area). In the future Peace Park (Bell, Charnel House, Museum of war) and the footprints of dinosaurs may be studiatesoluzioni cable transport to and from the città.Rovereto will be co-designers Metroland project, to encourage extra urban collective movement to the city of Trento, Lake Garda in particolare.E 'appropriate for the urban planning and new achievements viewfinder instead afavorire alternative forms of mobility. As a result, will mainly studied the accessibility of public transport and pedestrian neighborhoods that are progettando.Per encourage car-pooling will have to go through a proposed public private carsharing also. You can convert in a few years most of the car park to the town of Rovereto induced by promoting the use of real resources and ecological pococostosi new routes from home work at checkouts comunali.I should be encouraged, rewarded with projects between businesses and the entity public, projects that are able to reward those who travel by bicycle; questatipologia projects will also be offered to the representatives of the trade to help gliacquisti downtown. We need to promote sustainable mobility for the journey to school with pianispecifici (walk-bus and others), awareness-raising projects in primary schools, information and education of parents and citizens, safety of the nearby trails legalinstruments and outputs school, traffic constraints and controls the speed attornoalle schools, signs "of children" made with and for them, identifying REFERENCES "Friends points" in the identified routes. Since the mobility an individual choice, it is important to act on information eCommunications, also in terms of image and emotions: the citizens must be knowledgeable about travel opportunities, the alternatives, and environmental awareness deiproblemi it is also necessary that we build the 'idea to use the transportation company or the bike is not to be second-class citizens who do not have a car, but dapersone established and modern, then a path of cultural sensibilizzazione.Si must create mobility centers to provide information on getting around, timetables, opportunity to travel and other means, because you have to be informed move.
The divisions will play a strategic role in identifying the best solutions to be adopted in different districts of the city, must be careful to promote mobility lacultura sostenibile.Rovereto should become a town hero with the Province of Trento in the choices that affect doubling of the railway projects in the past Verona - Fortress. You must verify that the projects are really necessary and are part of a network that transfers ferroviariamoderna freight transport from road to rail, with territorial ognidimensione connected with a coherent logistics. We must act to limit the impact of this work, in particular over the area of \u200b\u200bMark: for this you need to find an alternative solution, which is able to provide an adequate response alleesigenze expressed by the country's population.
Promotion of community participation in the places of the City Government It should establish a training program to bring people in public life of the city, the operation of the public ( the city council, commissions, lecircoscrizioni and so on). It should also enhance the existing rules in the statute municipal council in the regulation of division and in the binding discussion and debate in the Council comunale.Si must give dignity to the districts, people who undertake to manage it through an amendment to the statutes must be increased skills, the degree of autonomiaed the level of responsibility of district councils. The districts are the "antennae" that can intercept the needs of the citizens that live there and at the same time dicomunicare able to involve people in the choices of the central districts cittadino.Le may already be involved during the development and definition delbilancio local chapters of initiatives, projects on the territory. E 'expected to be available to achieve extraordinary sessions of the City Council in periodidefiniti neighborhoods of the city. The mayor should be given the opportunity to listen diversiquartieri seeking unconventional spaces, public spaces or associativi.Ricerca citizen involvement to a new model of government: to communicate, empower, do citizens, local stakeholders, trade associations, Pastoral Councils andall city representatives will be in the next administration luoghid'ascolto and participation. But not limited to physical places, but also exploiting tecnologiecome the web. It will empower the various decision-makers to better condividereal the future choices of cities, infrastructure choices, culture, investment, etc..
cultural associations and voluntary must be made "home association", a place to meet, where there spazifunzionali shared a place accessible to all in order to further increase membership lavivacità Rovereto. The associations with non-institutionalized young people should be listened to lacostruzione of events to their creativity pensati.Laboratorio giovanileSiamo facing a crucial issue and apparently contradictory. There is as young, especially teenagers, feed on a certain impatience of a city, that is gradually getting older, and that is their often small, estraneao noiosa.E However, looking at things from another point of view, Rovereto bisognidi be sensitive to the emancipation and growth of new generations. There are many resources Inquest field is activated by the public (local government, schools, institutions and cultural institutions) and private social (parishes, associations and cooperatives in the third sector edel volunteers, sports clubs). But there is a great difficulty in these subjects alavorare in collaboration and synergy between loro.13Si is recovering in an overall design assistance from unarappresentazione unified and comprehensive child / teenager / adolescent / young as a citizen expressing - directly and indirectly - needs, seeks to exercise rights edi perform duties. Not more and not just from time to time, the youngest son - a student - Sports-user or consumer - "normal" or "at risk", but people - citizens, a resource for lacollettività. In this way the girls and boys are no longer considered Rovereto comefruitori expense of programs and activities, but must be called to play a role diattori players and not only aware of their history and their life but also diquella of their city. Becomes essential collaboration and cooperation of those who, for various reasons, work with and for young people to switch between the complexity of the problems to the complementarity of the responses, by defining terms and the assumption of dicorresponsabilità. The current table young people, coordinated by the local authority and with the participation of several actors in the sector, is an important and sound at last to ensure continuity planning to be shared within the municipal level. Glivanno but assigned new responsibilities and accurate because what comes out of that game-ending project proposals must have actually applied and full recognition in municipal policies and expenditures. The direct involvement of youth in the design, implementation and management diservizi / activities / programs for themselves and for others, should be pursued with conviction by implementing effective practices of participation and consultation, not only with associazionigià formally constituted, but also with groups aggregated on the proposals and problems. We need to consolidate and increase day care places for pre-adolescents and nelcontempo, offer something new for the band from 6 to 13 anni.Un 'particular attention should be paid to those young people who are citizens of Rovereto adover face, from childhood or adolescence, difficult routes. These girls and these boys, who live in situations of hardship due to family problems, mental health and physical or as a result of difar their disabilities have the right part, to all intents and purposes, the city with their coetanei.Si think, then, the phenomenon of immigration. Young people who leave their country senzamezzi and really want to fit productively into the new reality and continue nellaloro history personale.Per think all these subjects should be vigilant in actions that lead to a realeintegrazione in society, respecting and valuing diversity diciascuno and all. It 'important to develop a project for youth policy from a global visioneunitaria and young people as citizens. Young people must be called to svolgereun leading role in the history and life of the city, a change of perspective that the "city youth" to "young people to the city." Involving young people in planning, nellarealizzazione projects for themselves and for others. That is why the project laboratoriodella youthful creativity. The administration should not play an all-encompassing, easy dispensing of financial resources, but a person must be a co-star, with a supporting role and diregia. Youth policy which by its nature can not be totally taken all'internodi a single department but rather cross, and then you will have to involve education, culture, health, sports. The policy should be to diversify Depending on the age, different abilities, of different nationalities.
The youth center will be built north of the city will not be enough to catch the many needs of young who live far away from this place and who are unable to move, then you have to find new projects to cover this mancanza.Il center young people should not just be a container, but will need to develop a planning policy, because the containers must first create the content. There are many different places already established by young people that can be revitalized oridefiniti. The new participation of foreigners as a model of responsibility socialeRovereto is an open community, and intercultural solidarity. Foreign nationals are ricchezzaeffettiva the present and the future of the city.The willingness to accept a good part of the city of Rovereto against dicittadini from other countries is under the eyes of all. As is evident glieffetti positive for society as a whole Rovereto, their integration in economicolocale who work with seriousness and commitment in the social status of women and more intercultural laricchezza represented by the presence of their children in city schools. You must develop policies for integration where immigrants may be involved in the social life of ascoltatie city \u200b\u200bto build a new model of convivenzaresponsabile. In this sense we must support and enhance the already numerous and qualified in the cultural life of the association formed tissue cittadino.Si should further enhance political literacy and foreign language learning in particular to women who already find answers is in the center of ongoing education for adults Institute Don Milani is divolontariato scattered in the different activities in the city. The female protagonists in the new administration for a complete democracy We need to develop measures to counter the asymmetries between women and men in diversiambiti of social life in the city. At all levels you must maintain good balance dipresenza of women and men in places of responsibility and not just seguendologiche not only of fairness but also efficiency of working women. It 'is well known that edimostrato team where the genders are well represented lavorativeben express efficiencies higher than those of a single genus, is also shown that in societies dovequesto equilibrium phenomenon does not occur, the birth rate is much lower, the ristagnoeconomico is strong, are an example of the nations oldest age of their citizens Almondo, Italy and Japan. In addition to its commitment to women's presence in the administration will ensure a reconciliation impegnoper family time and work, through an appropriate service perl'infanzia to support the needs of new families, with careful dislocazionedei services on territorio.Una barrierePensare city without a city without barriers, building spaces from those who are more weak in addressing the obstacles that life offers, whether tangible or intangible. Need to define a table with disabilities who see citizens, families, the private social public services and the municipal authority, all of this to create a barrier-free city.
Disability Promoting a culture that represents the disabled as a resource, especially in processiproduttivi considering access to services and public spaces, especially pensandoall'utenza weak, supporting the placement, promotion cooperativesociali, improving the achievement and enhancement of the public turned on, leisure and entertainment.
Business, services, tourism and culture are forces with different interests edivergenti apparent. The effort of the administration must be to relate the subjects representative of the categories, a common factor to put the interests alminimo and reduce the dispersion of energies of an apparent competitività.E 'logic of competition necessary to stimulate collaborative, which stimulates all do better to grow its own context. It 's a cultural process that is triggered and governed by politics. E 'need for a new pact for trade and tourism in Rovereto, a memorandum of understanding involved see the economic and social and cultural protagonistidell'offerta town for a renewed commitment programmaticodell'Amministrazione city. The reform of the Tourism Promotion will be an opportunity to rethink lapromozione planning, tourism and trade, strengthening the role of the consortium as In-Centre interpreter of the expectations and sensitivities of practitioners città.Una welcoming city and with services qualitàL'organizzazione times and spaces of Rovereto is still anchored to that of a cittàindustriale (closing night, Sunday service, transportation, etc.). . If you want to be a friendly city you need to network spaces, expand iTEMP use of services, ensure the accessibility and free movement of tourists. Services such as bars or restaurants should open paths for professional growth, improving the offer through investment in training (professional), structural. The administration should encourage this process sharing a vision and mission conglomerate operators of the city. This project should not only be screened in the city center, madeve be widespread throughout the city and also in Vallagarina particolareper in some services such as the trade of eccellenzaI ristorazione.La city suburbs of this city must have excellent shops to develop a turismoenogastronomico quality. Rovereto of fields of knowledge enogastronomiciinespressi: agroalimetari typical products, biological and beyond, award-winning wines at nazionaleed International, etc.. Citizens need to be co-producers as they must essereresponsabili with their purchases of a project to protect the production of Rovereto. Taleprogettualità be able to develop business projects in view of the green economy, darepossibilità companies attending to network for a project to revitalize the loroproduzioni; to the government the task of creating a marketing support project for EDI to link with external markets outside the region. The trade and craft are the soul of cittàSi should encourage business, professional, trade and service innovation, with forms of incentive. The local banking system, which is a remarkable heritage and collective well-radicatonella city, can play a decisive role in supporting small businesses, today fortementevulnerabili from the point of view Financial crisis taking place but at the same time directed to release new energies and dynamic reactive virtuous.
procurement policies should be implemented in all sectors to improve the quality offered deiservizi , exceeding the maximum discount of logic alone, to improve the quality of work offered and to avoid the lack of job Improved receptivity Like other cities in the region, Rovereto must be plugged into a tourism project "plein air", as tourists who appreciate excellence, culture, an ecological tourist eselettivo. The campground can be up to those expectations, but must incentivatacon be effective promotion interventions that are able to enhance the fortunate position dellacittà and synergies with the area of \u200b\u200bGarda, with the Vallagarina and the closest comprensorisciistici.Si must increase the number of hotel beds to improve ricettivitàturistica, studying new formulas also read like the B & B. You should start a design that can analyze the possibility of dellestrutture fun in the industrial area, which are designed to "to secure" the fun, for young people but not all. A place to reach on foot, bicycle, shuttle conbus, highway, a place that can protect acusticodi citizens from the impact of a local concert or a dance.
Innovation Rovereto social sector must become a laboratory of social policies. Personal services in the city of Rovereto are of good quality. And 'necessary nuovavisione strategic programmatic interventions in this area of \u200b\u200bbreath peralmeno foreshadowing the next 10 years. The Community of Valle, in Rovereto, which will have a leading role, sees the need to prepare and establish a new pact comunità.Una welfare of the city's new treatment for this means taking care of people, redefining glispazi of sociality, a project for the community of the future with the help of intelligenzegiovani and Rovereto. We must build a network of existing realities and the City will be the director of taleprogetto, offering a new form of governance with its existing services present (AziendaMultiservizi, Vannetti Foundation, ..) and the future. Social services will have to be redefined for the advent of the community of Valle, doveRovereto will have a leading role, to establish a new covenant of community welfare. It will also redefine the integrated policies between social services (social cooperatives) and quellisanitari, defining a new style of labor between these realities, a revival of political sociali.La person and the family the focus of policy should encourage initiatives sociales, projects from the government, dellaassociazioni and individuals, aimed at the entire population with the aim of garantiremaggior health and wellness, reduce costs and direct and indirect economic renderesostenibile welfare for future generations. The reconciliation of work and personal life, family and work is now a temapoco addressed by local politics. E 'need to offer support and facilities alleimprese, institutions that promote a balance between the life times and work times. We must develop new policies that can redefine the organization times of the city, encouraging more effective coordination between the various family services. From nursing homes to new ideas for the reception of the elderly we would be in a city increasingly old (with more than 20% of cittadinanzasopra 65 years), which introduces new requirements and demands of the frail elderly need salute.Per reorganize the home care setting with social ilprivato until every family can receive support and assistance economicoadeguato. This needs a care plan that will accompany the person in time finoall'ingresso in structure to accommodate new generazione.Oggi must take account of a new social phenomenon, namely the presence citizen in about 500 nurses, the cornerstones of many families Rovereto, which must essereseguite with projects of social inclusion, learning, training (language and formazioneadeguata social assistance, with specific courses) Hospital comunitàAd today in the town are several hundred people awaiting a place in a ResidenzaSanitaria Relief (RSA). Rovereto must experiment with new forms of politicheassistenziali, creating new projects as the Community Hospital. "The hospital community acts as the intermediate structure between conventional hospital and territorial iservizi. He was born in Great Britain (Community Hospital), then spread throughout Europe and now in Italy ilnord with more than 50 structures produced. Costo19sociale structures are low and family, having the slowest technological complexity, working with charitable maggiorflessibilità appreciated by patients. Moreover, these structures that favor the centralitàdelle sick with a size closer to home. A new model of RSA, a more human scale, more suitable for cittàLa RSA is a residence where people live lives with their personality and subjectivity, often perceived as places of abandonment, removal. Rovereto can and it must be the place to experiment with new social patterns and design. The new RSA devonocollocare within the city without causing functional damage to the spaces where sirealizzeranno should be a place to live, a place where people normally go, nonun not place, but a framework to know and hang out, where there may be stores, unteatro or other services. RSA can be placed in the new nursery school or nursery, helping to create a vital place and gioviale.Per socialeAssistiamo a new project in the territory to a new management services for people with disabilities. Daville Mary moves in with the city-managed apartment where they live with disabilities, cooperatives (Ponte, Iter, ...) that deal with disability expertise. The jump is in the subject because today all specializzareciascun do everything. Develop a specific target within delladisabilità would all grow and give effective responses to the territory. A new progettopotrebbe bring new ideas, accelerate research for experimentation. Rimetterin motion means, open your eyes to bisogni.Sulla basis of Law No. 46 November 2009, which concerns the Sinti and Roma populations, SIDEV locate within the community of Valle suitable places to dignify pursues the citizens. The work is considered a public good like education and health. It digarantire and promote integrated social policies with the policies of employment, an concettodi welfare to workfare concept, even before the work that welfarism, unparticolare with regard to women and vulnerable subjects.
security for all citizens For the time has now hired security for the citizens of a very large value, not due only to the conflict and the prevention of crime, but a spectrum ampiodi cha situations ranging from real danger, discomfort , fear, anxiety and sentimentodi through an intolerance of situations and behaviors that fuel conflicts tragenerazioni, cultures, social situations, which are present in an area. The safety of citizens Eun public good and as such it is for the municipality, within the limits of competence, promote and ensure all the actors in charge as the Justice and Law Enforcement. It is convinced that the leaders and staff of the State Police, Carabinieri, Finance dellaGuardia are quite capable of preventing and combating all forms dicriminalità that, as regards the municipality, register unadiminuzione.Sarà certainly a firm commitment of this Administration to establish with the forces of Order un'interlocuzione systematic and daily with respect to the supervision and control of sulterritorio competenza.Il contrast of urban deprivation, social marginalization, and disseminate diinformazioni youth distress, and not the last ' social inclusion are key elements of prevention.
Principals court The bureau system Grounded in the judicial territory of the Trentino Alto Adige èintimamente connected to its special autonomy, so that even this would not enlarge to function without the support apparatus giurisdizionale.Si only think about the complex rules on bilingualism in the process, dictated by the rules unaserie posed to guarantee the implementation of linguistic minorities protected by accordiinternazionali, the Constitution and the Statute, the proportion of ethnic Top Adigeinveste even the courts and special rules to ensure the use of secondalingua in processes before the Court of Appeals of Trento . The presence of the courts in a world like ours, assumes a role deltutto particular because they are associated with the operation of institutions of special autogovernoprevisti Statute of the Trentino Alto Adige. It is a result of all this, thanks to the efforts and the political representatives delterritorio at various levels and demands of the people was assured presenzadi judicial offices in the area that takes into account the polycentric structure from the point of vistageografico, historical, cultural and institutional regione.Il the Court of Rovereto is situated in this lattice and its presence is a testimoniarel'esistenza of a particular reality and a centuries-long history shared by the areameridionale to that of the Adige Valley Upper Garda, trentino.Recenti territory in the position papers of major political forces both majority diopposizione at the national level seems to identify the main cause of the difficulties direndere justice in an irrational dislocation of the courts in the territory nazionaleche is the consequence of historical sedimentation that have nothing more to farecon that the demands of reality attuale.Da this force has taken over the proposal to concentrate judicial offices in the capitals diprovincia by removing the small courts including the Court falls seems likely diRovereto.Una enabling law would upset the current framework geography giudiziariadell ' Italy, on the basis of a geometry set out by government departments, contoche without taking these measures represent a serious blow to the special autonomy of the Trentino Alto Adige. The City will strongly assert that in regulating dicompetenza state such as this, but they have a crucial impact sull'eserciziodi with constitutional powers given to the Region and Autonomous Provinces, lostrumento to be taken is provided for by legislative decree. 107 of the Statute, emanatodopo hearing the joint committees of the 12 and 6, an instrument that has always set questisessant'anni in cases where the State powers and those economicherichiedano coordinamento.Una a house of welcome for the new fragility of Transformation form traditional family, the economic crisis may dispingere citizens above suspicion "in precarious situations that are experienced difficult conestremo shame, with the risk of poverty result in concrete and related disagipsicologici. E 'should be given to these new services and housing comeseparati fragile, precarious, young people, give them a home of hospitality. All'infanziaSi Services must clear the waiting lists for access to kindergartens and preschools . We must ensure flexible services, diversified able to respond to new bisognifamigliari and mothers in particular.
E 'need more than ever now that the municipality will become promoters of a council to listen perl'infanzia families, professionals , the Council will aim diridefinire a new politics of childcare. Health Services to measure the city, new health districts Today in Rovereto, there is a fragmentation of places where services are provided health care to the person edi: house ex CMPM (Krankenkasse) in PiazzaLeoni Mafin Palace, the former Carmelite convent or the old ospedale.Alcuni of these buildings have in common serious structural problems of organizzazionedegli spaces, difficulty of mobility for their raggiungimento.E 'need to create a single service center health, in the city re-evaluating the placement anchel'ipotesi Bimac former is not sufficient space in quelluogo designed to accommodate all the aforesaid services. A Health Services Centre is accessible to all, efficient for the city of Rovereto
Policies Home social policies in the field of housing have again brought to the attention of dibattitopubblico. The high percentage of households with home ownership is not infattisufficiente to address housing needs. Demographic, social and economicihanno fact changed the terms of the problem: the growing number of families, the increase in migration aging of the population from the point of vistadelle demographic trends, and the precariousness of labor relations and the difficulties for Young people are apt to come out from their families and the growing indebtedness of households and the difficulties linked to changes in economic conditions are the aspects that contribute to increase homelessness in our urban activities' should therefore increase the supply of social housing, especially at low charge, to allow more equitable access to housing and widespread. In relations with Itea Spa will be vindicated in the active role of the City concordareinterventi sustainable environmental point of view but without forgetting the importance of social dellacoesione in the new settlements being built.
School education, with the re-supply and re-evaluation dellapresenza university A municipal administration should not brag about the number of schools that possiedee much money spent on school construction and maintenance, but should saperdistinguersi for the quality of the structures, and especially how much and what projects hainvestito to improve the school and to provide answers to all problems legateall'educazione and training of the young giovani.La the quality of schools starting from the nursery to get discuola institutions and those of upper secondary vocational training, through gliistituti include primary and secondary levels, is highly important nellacittà RoveretoIl process of training / education of the individual, which occurs through molteplicistrumenti and forms of learning (not just formal) and social (sports centers - schools, cultural - disco-bar ...), requires precise addresses valoricomuni condivisi.Le public institutions are still valid and practical means to ensure responsible planning enlarge long breath, consistency, and continuity, which are necessarieper not find always at the same point partenza.La synergy of city schools with the Center for Teacher Education based Rovereto and the Faculty of Cognitive Science provides a solid basis for the scientific aim for a training center connected with the territory also incollaborazione with workshops in museums. Schools may also participate in the execution of works of public utility, diprogetti that could give new responsibilities to the young growth, increasing integrating projects in basic education for all activities (school garden, DIY, ...), giving attention to subjects deboli.Si redevelopment projects should be developed in school canteens, promoting the mandatory nature of the organic and local foods for the promotion of short chains, for a new educational cultural cuisine. Build in time new opportunities for high formazioneÈ necessary to reopen dialogue with the University of Trento.È however desirable the presence of new university project in the city of Trento without concerted conl'Università improvisation as have occurred in the recent past. Students, teachers and researchers are a great resource for the future of the city.The 'University and its supply chain may have a relapse, including economic, productive and pose a town of small size, which is Rovereto, in the middle of unary national reports and school-internazionali.Rapporto Universitas offers a more organic relationship between the school and the University in collaboration with the Museums (inparticular the Civic Museum), especially in vocational guidance euniversitario. The workshops, above, could be enjoyed by regular studentidelle schools. This also in view of 'expansion in the city dell'offertaformativa in science with the proposed trial of an Institute Tecnologico23scientifico that enhances the experience of previous technological scientificodell'Istituto Liceo "Marconi" the establishment "Rosmini" High School Scientific Scienzeapplicate which will start next anno.Centro Professional training InsegnantiRovereto was the site of the SSIS for about 10 years. The graduate school, even with isuoi critical elements, has trained dozens of teachers and has produced a memoriastorica of resources, materials and people for the renewal of teaching. There is thus fertile unterreno to aspire to a training center connected with the territory and, inparticular, with workshops (some already very active) museums. The Centre should not be confined only to the in-service training but make disposizionespazi and resources for training entry with a more marked presenzadell'Università, in particular the School-University Centre based in Trento, senzarinunciare the valuable experience of training young teachers implemented direttamentepresso schools.
support, develop, connect cultural institutions that characterize a potential RoveretoC'è in Rovereto formidable network of cultural institutions at all, and not soloin relation to the dimensions of the city and territory. Mart, Museo Civico, Museodella War, Library, Bell Memorial, and much more. Apart from the Mart, designed in the early '90s and opened in 2002, all other subjects conosciutosignificativi developments and transformations over the past two decades. There much to enhance fareancora for each of the nominees, to hold their vocation assembles large size, but also their linkages in a system lacollaborazione provincial and local level.
Our workshops culture. These institutions should be, in terms of their specific organization, large or small "shop culture". Among their tasks are also highlighted those difavorire qualified youth employment, to experiment with forms of organization and the interrelation chevalorizzino those who work with a wide active companies concerned difungere from clients and induced stimulus to economic activity (publishing, graphics, restauroecc).. To some extent this already happens, but not without problems that must be addressed. In a note particolaresi Mart's tilt toward a model different from the center of the museum ricercadelineato in its founding documents. What about for example the Centre for Studies on Futurism, evoked in the internal signals but not to be found in reality? Other institutions (especially the Museum and also the War Museum) are investing more in questadirezione. The objective in this case, however, is to follow, segments of lavoroqualificato than within them you can do, opportunities for more continuous path ericonosciuto. We do not intend to propose organic inflated and "easy" stabilization, mapercorsi explicitly designed and supported by the public body, they go to costituirecurricula, credits clearly expendable, without being beautiful experiences strutturalmenteprecarie in the negative sense of the word. E 'required on this ground a interventoorganico the Province.
Mart and the network of museums Mart is corresponding to a part of the ambitious objectives of the initial project and the city vasostenuto with increasing awareness. In addition to the theme mentioned delrecupero idea of \u200b\u200ba museum that developments in the most equipped storage functions edi living center for research, we also set to greater dialogue with altre24istituzioni and territory, That does not mean lowering of standards that are proposed, but efforts to develop its entire mission. The Museum is close in time to the organizational form of a "service" municipal . The development of an autonomous form of organization (as a foundation), strongly supported by the public and primarily by the City, is un'alternativanecessaria . The debate on the new institutional set up where you want to create essereperò wide-ranging, it can not be an issue whose outcome is decided by unasemplice municipal resolution. The strengthening of the historical nexus of the museum with the city, then, must be beyond question, it is not contradictory itself with the wider role that ilMuseo place in their communities and beyond. The War Museum is conditioned by an institutional framework (in dellalegislazione provincial) which limits its potential. The internal design is developed inmolte directions, initiatives are growing in quality and effectiveness, the resources available noncorrispondono entirely dynamic. We need a renewed attenzionedella Province to the potential of this institution so that it can be completed on time Narrowest possible the restoration of the Castle and new installations of exhibitions looking Inquest the compression of space, temporary solutions, to take off progettodella the section on World War II at the ATI, the development of altreiniziative in progress, even in the direction of development of history and memory delterritorio transformed by the Great War in tourism, in view of the centenary dellaGrande Guerra.Un including financial support of common is an increasingly close relationship in this elementoimportantissimo quadro.L 'have increased the space of the Public Library has enhanced the role of social and riferimentoculturale in the new heart of the city. We need to strengthen analogaconvinzione with the role of organizer of the historic heritage and of its increase, diinvestire in the protection and new acquisitions, to ensure funding and qualified personnel. In the reorganization and enhancement of old documents and new set of projects must articolarsiuna skilled jobs. The Bell of the Fallen, appreciated in its size of monument and symbol, diluogo of confrontation and dialogue, forms of organization needs to fully correspond to their public representation. The provincial law which provides for the City of Peace unaFondazione they compete in different subjects from the municipality, Nonsi is still translated into concrete actions, as he is an increased necessità.Sostenere and retrain the manifestations of spettacoloNon is only to provide a now traditional commitment to the important and prestigious events dimaggiore, which could become routine indifferent to concrete outcomes. IlComune must encourage quality development, innovative capacity, performance in condizioniideali from the technical point of view, public communication, relationship with a pubblicoadeguato. Of course, similar principles should apply primarily to activities directly managed by dispettacolo Comune.Sostenere the historical experiences and more vital for new means of intelligent selection individuarecriteri: not a simple matter of which is stressed, however, particularly with regard to the lanecessità.25In International Festival of Archaeological Film vaottenuto a fuller provincial support (including through its inclusion among the subjects have a convention for resources, promotion, coordination). The review, at the same time, should become a festival of the city as it is, for example, the Mountain Film Festival in Trento. Generated by the Museum, the Exhibition has conservarequesto vital link, but in need of resources specifically designed to be capable of evolving areas of culture edinnovare.Gli concluded the troubled path of the restoration of the Theatre Zandonai, enacting tuttele needed attention because the result is qualitatively the possibile.L best 'multi-storey building of the former paper mill is a great resource, currently only used for ilpiano the theater and adjacent areas: take up a comprehensive project Requires proof, knowing that the building is intended in part to the new section of the Museum dellaguerra. The whole area, if it is partially empty office, it ripensata.Il restoration of Palazzo Jacob, initiated by the outgoing calls un'adeguataqualità of its cultural project, entrusted to the Museum. That of the former Stock '900, funded by the Province, also requires care, examination, comparison quantoriguarda the project management and use of the new cultural space that it is opened, cheauspichiamo is fit for use in a wide range of initiatives, giovanili.Per a particular school of music more civic and more open to cittàNata in 1889 and municipal Since 1908, the Civic Music School Zandonai periodically alcentro of controversy more or less on, well worth a reflection on its nature and suofuturo. The traditional system of training of the school is not in conflict with laricerca of a more fresh and dynamic, that passes through a comunicazionepiù effective and close cooperation with other (musical and cultural) of the area, the private public that is, opening the area talking with other istituzionalicittadine the martyr, the public library. The Music School in fact has a sedecentralissima and great beauty. The recent restoration has returned the ground floor, first unusable, now a desirable action would be the recovery of the basements, which may be allocated to the bands even strangers to scuola.Si will develop joint projects to enhance the figures of the city as Richard storiamusicale Zandonai, assuming a festival dedicated to him. With a view to opening a route to the town school, you will have pesni a series of "open days" dedicated to the use of space and freedom that are at scambioe comparison with the other musical reality of the territory with a view to "network" sarebbeauspicabile contextualization in events dedicated to the city giovani.La School Musical Rovereto has always offered its users the opportunity to seguireun high school education level and type of vocational. This specificity vaulteriormente valued in the context of reform of the Conservatory, for a university education occuparsiesclusivamente band music, and thus ensuring walkway preparatory to three academic years. This understanding is renewed dialogue with laProvincia to be recognized the importance of supply in professionalizing contestodell'istruzione Music provinciale.Per to give more force to the project of revitalization of this facility should be launched as a riesamedegli organizational structures, overcoming the logic of insecurity of professionals cilavorano that.
The City of Peace The town of Rovereto, which is part of a complex society like today, deveesprimere in a renewed quest for peace, as he masterfully insegnatoShirin Ebadi, the lawyer for the Nobel Peace Prize 2003 , is not the opposite of war. Lapac there - Ebadi says - when people can live free with dignity. The analysis of questeproblematiche has been addressed for some time and is constantly followed by struttureimportanti as the Memorial Bell Foundation and its important emanazionel'Osservatorio on the Balkans and the Caucasus with which the City will have to work constantly efruttuosa sinergia.Rovereto is accredited to the UN as a city of peace law, a potenzialequesto giving strength to be exploited internazionali.Tempo relations plays a key role in which the 'foreign policy' of Local Government, made direlazioni stable between the community, involved in all their joints, guaranteed diprotagonismo, dignity and specificity. In what is termed 'decentralized cooperation' Omegle still 'Community cooperation', experienced in recent years through the work of associations in dicooperazione 'table Trentino with Serbia' and 'Peace perGerusalemme - Trentino and Palestine' in the is very common socio fondatore.Relazioni facilitated by the presence in the city many 'worlds of peace', chestoricamente dealing with non-violence, human rights, economic solidarity, hospitality, international solidarity: the Center for Continuing Education at Pace managed dalComitato of Associations for Peace and Human Rights, the Bell Foundation deiCaduti with its projects. But dozens of parishes, associations, committees and tables, with the intersecting worlds of school and other institutions and the public, giving ilsenso of "Rovereto, a city of peace."
The innovative urban for sustainable development of the city With the stratification of variations to zoning has been lost strategicaurbanistica vision of the city, an overall view, it does not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200blungoperiodo.Non have created mechanisms for participatory urban planning, if not dipresentazione of projects already planned and under construction, creating friction and clashes didiverso level, city council, in the constituencies in the city (ex stazioneautocorriere area zigherane to make some examples). To build a new European city should wake the local intelligence , the giovaniarchitetti with innovative designs, involving big-name international simettono available to the city to design but also to train our local forzeprofessionali. To carry out participatory planning, for explaining to citizens what the city delfuturo is necessary to make a space in the city of permanent communication: a urbancenter. There is need to design a new city that knows how to talk about harmonious development, sustainable , equo.La environmental certification of buildings will be binding on the central pillar and do the new designs for the whole comunale.Siamo convinced that the equalization can be a useful equity instrument in ripartizionetra more private building rights and obligations for the realization collettivi.Certamente service equalization is useful when targeting the rehabilitation of tessutiurbani or the provision of essential services collettivi.Un-use plan is always a lot of work before dellasituazione analysis, and then rethink the design. In between the two phases, we stand on these issues sceltepolitiche.Se had been an extensive debate, probably the greatest piano avrebbeincontrato consenso.Una broader and shared reflection on the weaknesses and strengths of the city, suglisviluppi future opportunities, an open confrontation with those who asked soluzionipuntuali would undoubtedly have produced a greater identification of citizens with planning unaproposta.La integrataLa urban planning to achieve good results to ensure seamless integration, according to a holistic view of the area, with all other municipal dipianificazione tools, such as the mobility plan, urban plan deltraffico, the floor of the parking, the plan of public transport, in terms of cycling, laclassificazione acoustics of the area, etc.. E ', in fact, obvious that all these plans hannodelle strong connections with the planning, take for instance the effettiprodotti from one destination to the establishment of large urban revolt strutturecommerciali on existing roads, the functionality of the roads and on qualità28della life. It 'just in urban areas, in fact, that the environmental, economic and socialize more interconnected. Therefore, these phenomena in our urban complessicome require sophisticated assessment tools that can, for example, valutareper certain proposals and / or solutions, the possible effects on social and economic context, on the road features, quality of life, etc.. In this regard the European Commission in its report to the European Parliament and the Council emphasized that if implemented at all levels, the adoption of an integrated management approach urbanamaggiormente help to improve the quality of urban environment, making cities a more attractive and healthier place to live, work and investire.Adottando an integrated planning approach makes it easier to provide objective dellerisposte to decide on the compatibility with the needs of social, economic and environmental as well as to assess more objective point specificheproposte also advanced by different carriers interesse.La city water, the ecological relationship and memory with the river Adige Rovereto and Leno are iltorrente associations (fishermen, environmental and cultural) and events (Village on the river) who care about the issue of respect of river ecosystems and dellamemoria linked to water. Rovereto I must regain contact with water, chesa physical or cultural. You have to implement projects to achieve this goal, costruendonuovi spaces for social gatherings (the fishing pond near the corsid'acqua), places of refreshment and conviviality in a river, ecologiafluviale of educational projects. Projects to a new water culture, common good inalienabile.Tutela of agriculture and agricultural areas of excellence of the city for a cultural nuovoprogetto produzioniSi will strengthen the Department of Agriculture to implement a project of valorizzazionedelle local production such as organic wine, traditional. It also markets dovrannorealizzare that combine values diverse as environmental, social and economic issues. A good example of such projects is the "Earth Market" sponsored by Slow Food in Vallagarina.
Environmental issues in Rovereto Many environmental projects have stopped today in Rovereto: raccoltedifferenziate of the project, the municipal environmental certification, the environmental database for citarnealcune.Nel 2004 was initiated a project to boost recycling must essererilanciato . We must widen the door to door services by eliminating the blue bells for ilmultimateriale, you should realize as soon as two collection Material (CRM), one north and one south of città.Si must realize waste prevention projects in collaboration with deisupermercati, distribution organizzata.Da five years in this part has not produced any information campaign on waste, èquindi revamping project information and awareness allacittadinanza. Rovereto must initiate legal requirement for a provincial project of reformulation waste dellatariffa punctual. Rovereto has missed in recent years the importance of certification ambientalecome unlike many other municipalities have done Trentino. Rovereto must receive la29certificazione EMAS European environmental and the quantification and monitoring of CO2 dellaproduzione (ISO 14064) and at the same compensation policies dellaproduzione greenhouse gases (emissions trading) Rovereto, and the first joint should be the guiding light for Vallagarina lacertificazione for environmental buildings, offering standards of planning progettazioneall'avanguardia ambientaleE 'necessary to achieve a net energy-ecological municipal support for unanuova governance comunale.In administration's energy cooperation with the Dolomiti Energia will have to develop new investment nelleenergie renewable, creating production facilities such as photovoltaic above lesuperfici production in the industrial area of \u200b\u200bRovereto.
9. SPORT as a cultural project
personaEsiste Sport as being of awareness of the value of sport and sports policies can take to improve individual well-being for the growth of quality of life and social dellacoesione comunità.Sport as a promotion culturaleLo sport can be an excellent tool to promote cultural concepts. With peace in the marathon larealizzazione Vallagarina you can work with the UN perrealizzare a world event that can promote peace between the events as popoli.Altre Vivicittà, little regarded by the local authority, will be relaunched as an environmental festival in the city, the feast of urban liveability (sirealizzeranno Green Event in the city.) Sport as culture giovanileLa vast majority of young people he meets and leaves the sport in the age between The School middle and the end of high school. In this age vaconsiderato the contribution that the public institution, with the actors of the sports world can offer to produce and disseminate more and more effective ingredients unasolida sports culture by encouraging and supporting actions and initiatives that this obiettivo.Programmi cultural activities for young people to build a model of healthy living, sport therapy to address the fragility anchecome adolescenziali.Si will need to develop less attention to sports and emerging right to dignity to them.
The Municipality of Rovereto declined in recent years to be a leader in realtàdella Vallagarina. it was not in the definition of the statute and the draft Community enon has been ensuring the continuity of relationships with others and share common strategic diprogetti for the future must be recovered because of the delay Vallagarina.Questo Rovereto must be the center not only maanche institutional and urban design of the new community of large Valle.Le necessary actions to be those of innovation and the green economy, quellerelative a network environment, infrastructure, technology and services, call ilprotagonismo Vallagarina of the whole and the strong role of the Municipality of October Rovereto.Ad citizens are eligible to vote for the bodies of the new Community descendeth, l ' entity that will absorb the functions of the district but will also consider the nuovecompetenze provided for institutional reform. From planning to scelteinfrastrutturali, supra networks ecological services, tourist development allapianificazione commercial and production areas, each strategic choice will dalleComunità trough. Should be aware of emerging new directors and protagonisti.I the elections will have to share with sindacodi Rovereto a strong idea of \u200b\u200bcommunity that goes beyond the valley of the old distrust and rendainterlocutore authoritative than the communities close to us, those of the Garda and that ofthe Trento.C 'is indeed the need, with a view no longer be postponed for a strong decentralization of funzioniprovinciali, Rovereto and that the protagonists are more than Vallagarina lamentazionenella in construction projects. The relationship with the Province must be reconstructed on the basis of equal dignity and forzadelle ideas in a project that connects Rovereto Trento, with a sistemaurbano for mobility, provision of services, culture, education and research, but a system rispettosodelle territorial identities and able to enhance any potential, and another project chemetta Vallagarina in connection with the Alto Garda to seize all potenzialitàturistiche economiche.Rovereto and policies to be a leader in the Euregio, to fit well with piùforza the reports of European Regions. Andrea Miorandi

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fireplace Remote Does Not Work

-candidate list to 05/16/2010

-candidate list of CENTRE 16/05/2010

1. Frisinghelli Franco
2. Michele Trentini
3. Puglisi Philip Alcide
4. Pontillo Emilio
5. Buzzo Rodolfo
6. Pediconi Paola
7. Gianpaolo Armellin
8. Carmeci Manuela
9. Comencini Pier Antonio
10. Mauro Cuel
11. Dalledonne Dina
12. Jennifer D'Angelo Zaira
13. Angelica De Filippis
14. Gala Dino
15. Gala Melissa
16. Maria Grasso
17. Kircanski Franco
18. Lorenzi Giorgia
19. Francesco Lunardi
20. Marcomini Francesca
21. Margola Marina
22. Daniela Matta
23. Micheloni Fabrizio
24. Micheloni Gianfranco
25. Padovani Sabrina
26. Peterlini Anna
27. Rizzo Maria Stella
28. Mauro Saltori
29. Nicholas Serio
30. Tomasi Sara
31. Joseph Trainotti
32. Pure Trassari Federico
33. Trentini Christian
34. Valduga Isabella
35. Zanin Francesca
36. Zencher Lara

White Spots In Gums After Tooth Is Pulled

CENTER AREA CENTER: elections of May 2010

ROVERETO 04/14/2010 06:55 - Yesterday at noon the bell has sounded for all: the fifteen heads of lists for the municipal elections of 16 May lodged in the palace Praetorian their homework and now must await the verdict of the district electoral commission. The race to the finish in Piazza del Podestà, therefore, has not started yet. Only at the weekend, in fact, know who was admitted to the examinations in May and who is not. That may well make you smile but the memory of the exclusion of the PDL from regional Roman and, two years ago, the UDC is a warning from the provincial Trentino not be underestimated. The errors, on the other hand, are just around the corner: invalid signatures, candidates are incompatible, several oversights. If all goes well, however, the polls will present eight aspiring mayor (Corrado Corradini, David D'Eliseo, Jack Filippi, Barbara Lorenzi, Paolo Michelotto, Miorandi Andrea, Mauro, and William Previdi Valduga) and as many as 15 lists a total of 551 candidates for city council. In practice, a citizen of every 68 for a month will in the race catapulted to the throne.
The youngest candidate is Angelica De Filippis Area Center who turned 18 on January 18 . The competitor with the later age instead of the civic "Rovereto Worth." This is Luigi Brunialti who will turn 88 years next September 27. Voters in the town of Rovereto, is 29,158. Next week will be chosen the order of symbols on the display of campaign posters. Then it will be kicked off the official race that will crown the winner on May 16 or, more likely, the two challengers allowed on the ballot two weeks later.
Nicola Guarnieri