Wednesday, March 24, 2010

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AREA CENTER: concrete things

We start from the concrete things we "Area center" we made a proposal to open center project loudly and clearly that must be completed by indicating the involvement of all and because we believe that it is now essential to overshadow the barricades and the line up and be, on the contrary, builders of bridges dialogue with those who demonstrate the same our will.

Five years ago, in 2005, in order to finally give stability and certainty to the district authorities, the UDC in Rovereto was at the forefront in supporting and convince Valduga as candidate for mayor and did not hesitate to take a step back and encourage the formation of civic lists.
remember that time you came out from one stage of litigation with intolerable adverse effects administration of the city.

With that choice they have followed a more peaceful and stable political phase where Valduga has tried, with his own powers, to do his best.

Today we are in 2010, according Valduga we must acknowledge that the scenario has changed ... the parties are citizens back to doing what they were born, namely to be the link between voters and institutions and to bring within these instances and proposals of Rovereto, this experience must be recalibrated
... we want to reason with those who want to permanently overcome the old logic of deployment and division, and also help to give an organized and authoritative representation to that block social moderate in recent years has been particularly penalized by the absence of stable reference.

This initiative led to the federation of the center with the UPT and PATT, 28 December 2009 and with the support of PD later.
The UDC, at the provincial level, was the forerunner of the creation of a more comprehensive "AREA CENTER Territorial Autonomy Reform."

This political project, in spite of what is said in these days needs to joint collaboration, mediation, the ability to indicate a path ... where no one is indispensable, and all are useful! We would have the humility
to put ourselves but also by considering that the city belongs to everyone and that the city is calling us to a change of gear we feel called to this mission of the new "policy" helps us see with open eyes, with our symbols without hiding behind people or other symbols.

Here, the 'Admin Center "does not intend to depart from this culture and this commitment to Rovereto ...

Five years ago they decided that they needed to turn the page.
Today we want to offer them a proposal that may be of continuous renewal, starting from the center as "carriers" of a new policy.

We believe that our project "Area of \u200b\u200bthe Centre" must move forward with the forces that believe in the city and in a different political change. The parties can do their part for the purpose of the good citizen with the participation of all who believe in the new policy.


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